S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 04 USNATO 000115
E.O. 12958: DECL: 02/21/2017
Classified By: Charge Richard G. Olson for Reasons 1.4 (b) and (d)
¶1. (C) SUMMARY:
-- Afghanistan: SYG proposes two steps to advance NATO's
Comprehensive Approach in Afghanistan. Chairman of the
Military Committee (CMC) Henault reported on ISAF manning
issues and detailed recent Taliban movements in country.
Canadian PermRep informed the Council that his government is
holding discussions with the United Arab Emirates to bring
130 UAE soldiers to Kandahar. UK PermRep stated that
Jordanian Special Operations Forces (SOF) will deploy to
Helmand. COMMENT: Both deployments are sensitive and not for
public discussion. END COMMENT. UK and Italian PermReps
described President Karzai,s recent visit to their
respective capitals.
-- Kosovo: CMC updated Council on the current security
situation in Kosovo. Kosovo,s Unity Team visits Camp
Nothing Hill for a security briefing. Slovenia increases its
troop commitment to KFOR.
-- Darfur: D/SYG reported on cross-border insurgent groups
operating in the region. Regarding Somalia, he stated that
NATO can only consider assistance to AMISOM after a specific
request from the AU.
-- IBAN Annual Activities Report for 2005 presented to
Council, which approved the report's release to the public.
¶2. Afghanistan
(C) The SYG expressed his condolences over recent U.S. troop
losses. Moving to the agenda, he said NATO needs to take
concrete steps to move ahead on its &comprehensive
approach,8 and cited two areas for immediate action. The
first would be the creation of a reconstruction and
development database, with the aim of improving coordination
between the many organizations involved. The SYG suggested
keeping the database in Kabul, with the secretariat of the
JCMB as the repository. NATO would not have a direct role in
the project, but would contribute the information in its
Afghanistan Country Stability database. SCR Daan Everts will
take the lead in promoting this idea in Kabul. Second, the
SYG recommended increased cooperation with the Japanese
government on the comprehensive approach in Afghanistan. The
SYG reported the GoJ will contribute 20 million dollars
specifically for development projects in provinces where they
currently have no bilateral projects, and will increase
cooperation with key contacts as a result. Again, SCR Everts
will work with the Japanese Embassy in Kabul to move this
forward. Finally, the SYG reminded PermReps that he is
traveling to Afghanistan with SACEUR, and will report upon
his return.
¶3. (C) CMC Gen. Henault noted that manning issues for ISAF HQ
X remain a concern with many important positions unfilled;
total staffing has increased from 66% to 75%. In his
operational update, Henault reported that 30 to 60 Taliban
had moved from Helmand into southern Farah province,
occupying a district center. The GoA had since regained
control of the district. Henault speculated the Taliban
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operation may have been related to counter narcotics
operations in the area. He added the Taliban can be expected
to carry out similar operations, occupying lightly-held
districts until run off by ISAF or Afghan forces. This tactic
has the advantage to the Taliban of undermining local
governments, and gaining maximum publicity with minimal risk.
Henault reported on a February 14 operation 10 kilometers
east of Musa Qala, which resulted in the death of a Taliban
commander. Operations are also ongoing to clear insurgent
strongholds near the Kajaki dam.
¶4. (C) Cautioning that the information be closely held,
Canadian PermRep Juneau reported his government is in
discussions with the UAE to bring 130 soldiers from that
country into Kandahar. The Emirates, he said, would deploy a
SOF platoon and two infantry platoons (with troop carriers),
most probably in Spin Boldak along the border with
Baluchistan. They would arrive in April 2007, achieving FOC
a month later. In addition, the Emirates will provide up to
30 million dollars of development aid for Kandahar, for
mosques, schools and health clinics. Noting the sensitive
nature of the information, UK PermRep Eldon said Jordan will
deploy 80 SOF troops to Helmand, where they will have a
&normal8 (vice SF) role. The Belgian PermRep expressed
concern that Afghan refugees may be forcibly evicted from
refugee camps in Pakistan, then called for increased contact
between NATO and the UNHCR. The German PermRep asked
pointedly about the proposed establishment of an Afghan
Development Zone near Kunduz, saying the recent meeting of
the JCMB had agreed these are appropriate for southern
Afghanistan, but not for the north.
¶5. (C) Eldon reported on Karzai,s February 14)15 visit to
the UK, pointing out that, in his public statements, Karzai
took pains not to criticize the Pakistani government, and
instead emphasized conciliation between the two countries.
Eldon suggested this may show a change in Karzai,s tactics,
by handling problems with Pakistan in private rather than
airing grievances publicly. The Italian representative added
that, during a February 16)17 visit to Rome, Karzai
emphasized the need for increased justice reform in
Afghanistan, as well as more development funding, to include
more work on the Kabul to Bamian road. Karzai also
emphasized the need for Afghanistan's neighbors to play a
role in stability in Afghanistan.
¶6. (S) Intelligence Division Assistant Director Admiral
Clayton, in an intelligence briefing, reported that the
Taliban, despite not winning any clear-cut battles, has
nevertheless been able to increase its influence,
particularly in southern Afghanistan. Helmand province
continues to be the focus of the Taliban, where they are
consolidating safe areas; they also hope to cut off or
capture Kandahar city. The morale and confidence of fighters
remains high. Funding to the Taliban has increased
significantly over the last year, including from &Arab
countries8, while revenues from the opium trade are likely
to increase in 2007. In response to this discussion of
Taliban funding from sources in Saudi Arabia, DCM noted the
Saudi government had cooperated with the USG on terrorist
financing and suggested the USG may be able to provide
additional information to Allies.
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¶7. (C) The ASYG reminded the Council today that U.N. Special
Envoy Ahtisaari will host both Belgrade and Pristina
negotiating teams in Vienna to begin their consultations on
his status proposal. The CMC briefed that the security
situation in Kosovo remains calm, but tense, noting the
recent explosion of the three UNMIK vehicles on February
19th. Leaders from Kosovo,s Unity Team visited Camp Nothing
Hill where they received a briefing on KFOR,s readiness to
maintain a safe and secure environment. The Slovenian
PermRep announced that his country will be increasing its
commitment to Kosovo by deploying a mechanized battalion of
600 troops which will be located in Multi-National Task
Force-West near the town of Pec. The force will be declared
ready by March 1. The Spanish PermRep announced that his
Foreign Minister, in his capacity as the OSCE representative,
will visit both Belgrade and Pristina next week.
¶8. (SBU) The D/SYG reported on discussions between the
C.A.R., Sudan, and Chad regarding insurgent groups operating
within the three territories, and noted UN planning for a
border monitoring mission along these countries, shared
borders. Regarding Somalia, he said the increasing security
vacuum there has put the African Union under pressure to plan
for AMISOM, particularly given the impending arrival of
Ugandan troops. If the AU wants support from NATO for this
mission, it will need to provide specific requests beyond the
generic note verbale sent in January.
¶9. (C) CMC Gen. Henault reported a battalion of Rwandan
troops serving in AMIS are being rotated out using
Algerian-provided aircraft, which should be completed as of
February 21. The AU is expecting NATO to provide the lift to
rotate two additional Rwandan battalions. Henault noted a
joint NATO ) AU team has traveled to Khartoum to provide
&lessons learned8 training at the Darfur Integrated Task
Force HQ. The same team will subsequently provide similar
training for the Force Headquarters in El Fashir.
¶10. (SBU) There was no substantive discussion on Iraq this
NATO Cooperation with UN and EU
¶11. UK PermRep Eldon urged NATO to continue coordinating and
cooperating with other organizations such as the UN and the
EU. He suggested that NATO raise consciousness on issues
currently affecting the UN. Dutch PermRep Schaper suggested
NATO pay close attention to what value it could add to
resolving issues being discussed in the UN or EU.
IBAN Annual Activities Report for 2005
¶12. The IBAN report to Council focused on improving financial
management at NATO, highlighting three substantial audit
issues (including ACO and ACT); noting the progress made in
auditing and closing NSIP projects; sharing the Board's
expectation that not all agencies will be IPSAS compliant in
2006 (resulting in more qualified audit opinions); and
requesting the public release of the IBAN Annual Activities
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Report in order to improve fiscal transparency.
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