Reference ID | Created | Released | Classification | Origin |
05TELAVIV45 | 2005-01-04 14:02 | 2011-01-22 21:09 | CONFIDENTIAL | Embassy Tel Aviv |
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C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 02 TEL AVIV 000045 SIPDIS E.O. 12958: DECL: 01/04/2014 TAGS: ECON PREL MASS PL IS GOI EXTERNAL SUBJECT: (C) PM'S ADVISOR ON RENEWED REPARATIONS CLAIMS AGAINST GERMANY, RESTITUTION CLAIMS AGAINST POLAND Classified By: Deputy Chief of Mission Gene A. Cretz for reasons 1.4 (b ) and (d). OutGoing Cable Acknowledgement ¶1. (C) Summary: A GOI working group charged with developing a five-year plan on Holocaust-era reparations, pensions and restitution is considering a recommendation that the GOI ask Germany for about $500 million -- possibly in the form of new German-made submarines -- in compensation for what the GOI says is that portion of the 1953 German-Israeli reparations agreement that had been attributed to East Germany, but never paid. xxxxxxxxxxxx (strictly protect), contended that such a GOI claim would not violate any "closure" agreements about Holocaust-era claims because it would be based on the unfulfilled portion of a preexisting agreement. The working group also expects to call for renewed GOI efforts to resolve Holocaust-era pension issues within five years and to settle all unresolved property and asset issues. End summary. ¶2. (C) xxxxxxxxxxxx informally previewed elements of the GOI,s not-yet-adopted &five-year action plan8 on Holocaust-era reparations, pensions and restitution, in a December 8 meeting with emboff. (Strictly protect xxxxxxxxxxxx.) He emphasized that the action plan, which includes renewed claims against Germany and Poland, is still in draft, and is being vetted with major Holocaust survivor organizations. It has not yet, therefore, gone forward to the GOI,s newly created Ministerial Commission on Restitution for Jewish Rights and Property, nor to the full GOI, for review and adoption as official policy. ¶3. (U) The text of the GOI Cabinet decision that established the Commission is at: ues/2003 /cabinet communique - 28-dec-2003.htm ------------------------------ Draft GOI Approach/Action Plan ------------------------------ ¶4. (C) xxxxxxxxxxxx said that xxxxxxxxxxxx and Nimrod Barkan, head of the MFA's World Jewish Affairs Bureau, was tasked in late 2003 with drafting and submitting to the Ministerial Commission a &five-year plan of action8 on Holocaust restitution and related issues. The draft, which is nearing completion, could be put forward to the Ministerial Commission as early as January/February 2005, xxxxxxxxxxxx said. The report is likely to recommend that the GOI: -- Work to close all outstanding Holocaust-era reparations issues within the next five years, including, in particular, what xxxxxxxxxxxx said is a still-unpaid sum from the 1953 West Germany)Israel agreement. -- Work to complete all issues related to Holocaust-era pensions within the next five years, while survivors are still living. -- Continue the strongest possible diplomatic action on all fronts to secure full restitution of property and assets, including heirless property and assets. xxxxxxxxxxxx said that no time limit would apply to this effort, and that the GOI would continue work on the issue until it accounts for every asset. (Note: In previous discussions and e-mails, xxxxxxxxxxxx indicated to Emboff and EUR/OHI that his draft paper would also include a recommendation for the GOI to press for restitution for Jewish property and assets in Arab lands from which Jews fled.) ------------------------------------------- Likely Israel Bilateral Approach to Germany ------------------------------------------- ¶5. (C) Regarding Germany, xxxxxxxxxxxx noted that, according to the working group,s research, Israel is still due money from its 1953 Holocaust reparations agreement with West Germany. He said that the amount is one-third of the $845 million agreed to in the deal, and represents an amount that West Germany reportedly said East Germany would be responsible for paying, but that East Germany never paid. Most of the amount paid to Israel under the 1953 agreement was in the form of goods transferred from West Germany to Israel. In this case, Israel is considering a request for military goods, probably two submarines, worth about $500 million, he said. (Note: xxxxxxxxxxxx was undoubtedly referring to Dolphin-class submarines, three of which the GOI received in the early 1990s from Germany. The model now sought by the Israeli Navy costs about $350-500 million per submarine.) ¶6. (C) &This does not constitute a new claim,xxxxxxxxxxxx took pains to point out. Rather, he argued, it stems from incomplete implementation of an existing agreement, and, as such, should not come under the terms of any agreement with the United States not to raise new reparations claims against Germany. He noted that he reviewed his analysis with Amb. Stuart Eizenstat, the former U.S. special envoy for Holocaust-era property claims, when Eizenstat visited Israel in November. According to xxxxxxxxxxxx Eizenstat concurred that nothing in the U.S. closure agreement with Germany in 2000 would preclude Israel from independently seeking redress of an issue stemming from a preexisting agreement. xxxxxxxxxxxx said he hoped that the U.S. would not do anything that could be seen as opposing or undermining Israel,s bilateral approach to Germany. xxxxxxxxxxxx agreed to emboff's request to keep the embassy and U.S. Special Envoy O'Donnell apprised of working group deliberations and other matters of potential U.S. interest, and to brief the Ambassador on the restitution plan as it nears completion. ----------------------------------- Future Work: Poland and Arab States ----------------------------------- ¶7. (C) Finally, xxxxxxxxxxxx noted that Poland would likely be the next area of focus of the GOI restitution efforts, and that the GOI would work in close coordination with the World Jewish Restitution Organization (WJRO) and the other main survivor and restitution bodies in Israel and abroad. All of the above are in addition to the GOI Ministerial Committee,s continuing research into expanding pursuit of restitution claims for Jewish property and assets from Arab lands. ********************************************* ******************** Visit Embassy Tel Aviv's Classified Website: You can also access this site through the State Department's Classified SIPRNET website. ********************************************* ******************** kurtzer
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